Grand County Republicans

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Caucus and Assembly Notice

Jan 30, 2024



 Grand County Republican Precinct Caucus and Assembly

March 9, 2024


Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Grand County Republican Central Committee, and Colorado Revised Statutes § 1-4-601 and § 1-4-602, notice is hereby given that the Grand County Republican Precinct Caucus Meetings and shall be convened beginning at 9:00 AM on March 9, 2024 at Middle Park High School, 795 North 2nd Street, Granby, Colorado. Check-in and credentialing for these meetings will begin at 8:30AM.   The County Assembly Meeting will convene follow the completion of the Caucus Meetings.


The principal purposes of the Precinct Caucus Meetings shall be:

  • Elect a Chair and Co-Chair to serve on the County Central Committee
  • To elect 1 delegate and 1 alternate to represent the precinct at the Colorado State Republican Assembly, and all higher District Assemblies.
  • To elect the allocated number of delegates and an equal number of alternates to represent the precinct at the County Assembly, which will be convened at the conclusion of the caucus meeting.


A total of 100 delegates and 100 alternate delegates have been authorized by the Executive Committee of the Grand Republican Party for this Assembly, these delegates and alternate delegates have been apportioned in proportion to Republican votes for Ganahl in the 2022 general election.  County Chair, Vice- Chair, Secretary are also designated as delegates.


Precinct # 1 7 Precinct # 7 5
Precinct # 2 14 Precinct # 8 10
Precinct # 3 15 Precinct # 9 3
Precinct # 4 10 Precinct # 10 8
Precinct # 5 12 Precinct # 11 4
Precinct # 6 4 Precinct # 12 8


The principal purposes of the County Assembly shall be:

  • To ratify the election of precinct Chair and Co-Chair elected at the Precinct Caucus;
  • To ratify the 1 delegate and alternate per (to the Colorado State Republican Assembly, and all higher District Assemblies) as elected at the Precinct Caucus meetings.
  • To fill by election all delegate and alternate positions (to the Colorado State Republican Assembly and all higher District Assemblies) not filled at the Caucus meetings to reach a total of 16 as allocated by the State from any Grand County Registered Republican in attendance at the Assembly meeting.
  • For the office of Grand County Commissioner District 1 designate Republican candidates(s)
  • For the office of Grand County Commissioner District 2 designate Republican candidate(s)
  • To consider and adopt such other rules and resolutions, and conduct all other business of the Republican Party, that may lawfully come before such an Assembly of delegates.

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