Grand County Republicans

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More Ponderings on Climate

Carl’s Conservative Corner More Ponderings on Climate What about the SCIENCE?   Last time I discussed my view of the motives and the end game behind the clamor of Climate Change.  Today let’s discuss the science.  No, I am not a climate scientist. ...

Pondering Climate Change?

Carl’s Conservative Corner Pondering Climate Change? “In the last article I speculated on some of the motives behind Proposition HH and mentioned I always like to dig down to the roots of an issues in an attempt to better understand the...

Ranked Voting?

Carl’s Conservative Corner Ranked Voting? A ranked voting proposition is being submitted to eliminate the existing caucus and assembly method of selecting candidates.  Is this a good idea?–my position is–no it is NOT.  While sounding ok, the result...

Property Tax Reform?

Carl’s Conservative Corner Property Tax Reform? As the Colorado Legislature meets in special session to address “property tax reform” let’s take a couple minutes to understand just how we arrived at this point. From Wikipedia: The...