Grand County Republicans

GOP Political Information for Grand County, Colorado







2024 EndorsementsDonate Online


  • Make a financial donation.
  • Donate your time volunteering.
  • Donate something towards the annual Pig in the Park BBQ Auction.

Mail Donations to:

Please make checks payable to “Grand County Republicans

Grand County Republicans
Attn: Mike Lambert – Treasurer
PO Box 383
Granby, CO 80446-0383

Get Involved

  • Become a member! Fill the in the form on this page then print your confirmation email and send it in with your annual dues.
  • Become a volunteer.
  • Display candidate signs and election materials.

Grand County Republicans Logo TR


Get Involved / Donate


Grand County
Republicans Membership Drive

Help spread the word about the Grand County Republican Party!
Yearly membership is just $20/person.

Keep Informed!  Get Involved!

Please fill in the form below then send your check for $20 membership dues per person made out to “Grand County Republicans” to:

Grand County Republicans
Attn: Mike Lambert – Treasurer
PO Box 383
Granby, CO 80446-0383


  • ​Make phone calls
  • Going door-to-door
  • Speaking to groups
  • Driving voters to polling place
  • Working in a polling place
  • Media and publications
  • Participate in event booths
    Participate in parades
  • Electronic media (website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Organize events
  • Take pictures of events
  • Take videos of events
  • Data entry/capture
  • Graphic design/promotional material
  • Help staff/man a party
  • Professional services
  • Fundraising
  • Attend functions and meetings
  • Become a precinct captain
  • Host an event