Grand County Republicans

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Grand County GOP Endorses Ed Raegener for Commissioner Dist.#1

Aug 25, 2024

To the Voters of Grand County,
The Grand County Republicans are proud to endorse Ed Raegener for County Commissioner District 1.
Ed is not just a leader but a business owner who has directly contributed to our local economy. His unique blend of public service and private enterprise experience makes him the ideal candidate to address the challenges and opportunities facing Grand County.
Ed’s extensive experience includes serving as East Grand County School District Board President, where his leadership has been crucial in advancing the quality of education for our children.
Ed’s expertise extends far beyond the public sector. As a successful independent business owner, he understands firsthand the importance of fostering a strong local economy. He has navigated the complexities of running a business, from managing finances to creating jobs, and he brings this valuable perspective to his role in public service.
This depth of experience in both public and private sectors equips Ed with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse needs of our community. He knows what it takes to balance budgets, drive economic growth, and ensure that government policies support—rather than hinders—the success of local businesses.
Ed’s is committed to improving our county’s infrastructure, supporting small businesses, and protecting our natural resources. This is evident in everything he does. He prioritizes financial stewardship, transparency, and accountability in managing public funds, and he understands that sustainable progress is key to ensuring a thriving future for our community.
Therefore, on behalf of the Grand County Republican Party, I believe Ed Raegner embodies the principles of responsible governance and economic growth that we all value. His unique experience as both a public servant and a business owner makes him exceptionally well-suited to lead Grand County into a prosperous future.
David Buckley Chairman, Grand County Republican Party


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