GOP Officers’ Blog
Grand GOP Celebrates Black History Month 2024
Submitted by Precinct Leadership
As Grand County Republicans, we as individuals and as a political party are enthusiastic about February being designated as Black History Month in our nation. Do you know how this celebration began? In 1975, President Ford (R) issued a “Message on the Observance of Black History Week” urging all Americans to “recognize the important contribution made to our nation’s life and culture by black citizens.” This commemoration of Black history in the United States expanded from a week-long observance to Black History Month when again President Ford issued a “Message on the Observance of Black History Month” in 1976. In 1986, Congress passed Public Law 99-244, which designated February 1986 as “National Black (Afro-American) History Month.” This law further directed the President to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe February 1986 as Black History Month with the appropriate ceremonies and activities. President Ronald Reagan (R) issued “Presidential Proclamation 5443”, which proclaimed that “the foremost purpose of Black History Month is “to make all Americans aware of this struggle for freedom and equal opportunity.” This proclamation stated further that this month was a time “to celebrate the many achievements of African Americans in every field from science and the arts to politics and religion.”
We’re also grateful to recognize the birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Frederick Douglass each February.
The Republican Party itself was birthed out of slavery, that being the signal issue of the day; being a new political party dedicated to the imperative to at last put an expiration date on the legality of owning humans as livestock. However, ongoing compromises by Congress, state legislatures, special-interests, and corrupt courts prolonged slavery, allowing a chasm to form, leading to a dividing our nation and parasitically hollowing out its’ soul. The impassioned base of the Republican Party demanded leaders and candidates of action rather than those who would compromise. Seeking visionaries rather than self-centered and short-sighted candidates. Statesmen like Abraham Lincoln joined the ranks to solidly, yet fervently, guide the nation towards this goal. The true motivation however, was the Rights bestowed by the Creator upon all mankind, and the protection and guidance of His Divine Mercy upon the government that He established under the Constitutional Convention in 1787. This Constitution declared that all people were created equal before God, and as such would one day lead to the abolition of slavery in these United States..
The Republican Party from inception has held to the position of full rights, citizenship, and inclusion of black Americans (as well as all racial groups) based upon Constitutional, religious, and moral principles. Our Party has ever resisted the debasement of these tenants that have been done via the establishment of mandated quotas, never-sunsetting affirmative action programs, political peer-pressure, and social controls. These legislative measures have only resulted in a spoils systems manipulated by opportunists, a race-based preferentialism, and resulted in a hierarchy of human values dependent on governmental and regulatory rules rather than God’s inherent values.
We celebrate a Big Tent GOP including black Republicans ever since 1854. Anyone holding to traditional American values is welcomed. We REJECT the current Progressivist trashing of black conservative Republicans that are deemed as mere tokens, props, and puppets for white racists. We REJECT the stereotyping and malicious slander that is meant to silence and demean these people, just as much as we REJECT the relic-minded Klan intimidation and other wrongs perpetrated under Jim Crow Laws, which arose out of the then Democratic controlled southern states.
We are thankful that a Third American Religious Awakening and Revival began among Black Church congregations in the 1890s in several areas including Azusa Street. Nearly every existing American Christian church organization today and many around the world have benefitted from this revival’s emphasis on a Biblical life of holiness and passionate service to others. This was vision calling for all humanity and led to a seeking of genuine Faith and engagement as the best method to address society’s ills, and as the best avenue to help those, without hope, locked by poverty, slaves to various addictions, or simply unloved.
In spite of KKK intimidation during 1920s, black Americans held firmly to their faith and built strong families. FDR’s New Deal policies supported families, but also sowed the seeds of entitlement, that would sprout decades later. World Wars I and II demonstrated just how “human” black Americans are, as they fought with courage, skill, commitment, and self-sacrifice—bleeding red and dying, just as those fighting beside them. This led to a national resurgence of decency and respect under Presidents Truman (D) and Eisenhower (R).
However, due to a resurgence of southern KKK activity that again called for black Americans to be segregated and looked down upon, racial tensions flared in the 50’s and 60’s. Out of these struggles emerged Martin Luther King, a man that revived those same God based human values that were enshrined in the Constitution so long ago. His vision of “color-blindness” is truly the vision needed for a successful America. Unfortunately, also bred by this turmoil, President Johnson (D) initiated the afore-mentioned sweeping legislation (aka the Great Society), that while well intentioned, has resulted in the destruction black families, systemic poverty, and black-on-black violence. Showing their resilience, however, many individual black Americans have escaped these snares.
Today’s leftist progressives continue to nurture those seeds of entitlement that had been planted decades ago. They continue to fuel the fires of division by focusing on race, rather than individual rights.
Today, this month, and always, the Grand County GOP honors, acknowledges, and commemorates the vast contributions given by black Americans to our Culture and Our Nation. We celebrate our current roster of passionate Republicans at every level of service to our country, who work hard to Lead, to Instruct, to Inspire us all to a better America of Opportunity–a united people who value Faith, Family, and Freedom. Critics, naysayers, and hecklers may choose to hurl vile insults toward our great and virtuous cause and the black men and women who so selflessly live it out, but the Spirit of Strength, Duty, Service, and Vision will not be quenched. We seek a unified America, one that strives to ensure that this great and unique country will march onward, arm in arm and with a raised voice declaring that Freedom will ring out! We will not allow any citizen to be made into second class subject, we will not allow any citizen to be devalued, marginalized, segregated, or disenfranchised from a prosperous and peaceful future. We will cling to the human rights bestowed by our Creator-God and the sacred mission to remain One Nation under God. May the God of Divine Providence and Liberty Bless a restored and enlivened America and Bless the multitude of Black Patriots who’ve valiantly pursued the difficult but glorious path to make us a better people and great nation.
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Monthly Meeting Information
When: The first Monday of every month
Where: Granby Library at 55 East Zero, Granby, CO 80446
When: 6:30 to 8:00PM. in Library Meeting Room
Verify upcoming meeting dates and times by emailing through our contact us page.