Carl’s Conservative Corner
Was this really a Debate or a Cross-Examination?
As I watched last night’s debate, something just did not fell right, but I could not put my finder on it. After a restless night I have thoughts I would like you to consider. Certainly VP Harris “performed” very well. That was the basis for my uneasiness “why so smooth and polished?” I learned long ago that if something appears too good to be true it is. That is root of my uneasiness. So how could the VP be so elegant—we know from her remarks over the past few years she has not been very verbally eloquent, especially off the cuff. This suggests to me that she was more prepared, but to be that prepared does it not suggest at that she may have had insight as to what and how the question would be asked? I sense this.
Secondly, the moderator on several occasions interjected correction to Trump’s claims. Did he ever do this to Harris? I never saw it? Why not? Does this subtly infer that all her statements were factual? The moderator quoted the mayor of Springfield as a factual source—do we not have the same situation here in Colorado? Has not Gov. Polis stated there is not gang issue in Aurora—yet statements by residents of apartment complex directly contradict this—who is right? I go the view of the resident. We have no idea about the politics of the mayor of Springfield, but we sure do have a good idea of Polis’ motivation!
Why did the moderator continue to press President Trump time after time concerning January 6. This was not moderation—it was more of Trump being on the witness stand.
When the moderator finally asked Harris about her 180 change in policy positions she answered with a vague “nothing has changed” and there was no pushback hmm….. Actions always speak louder than words—has not VP Harris’ actions during the past 4 years spoken very loudly about what her true positions are—Yes in my view and these are not something that I would like to live under.
VP Harris basically portrayed a perspective that she played no part in the activities of Biden-Harris administration. Really? If so, why not? Has she just been keeping her chair warm all this time? Hardly! The VP’s statement that Trump was her opponent not Biden. Again— was she not a major player in the current administration?????
My conclusion is that this debate was planned and focused to be a cross-examination of President Trump. None of his responses were given any credibility. The prosecutor Harris aided by the judge (moderator) performed flawlessly. We know we have been lied to repeatedly by the mainstream media, by withholding information, spreading false information and only acknowledging parts of the truth at a way later day. Please do not let the wool be pulled over your eyes again for this upcoming election. Harris opposes Israel, she opposes free speech, she opposes freedom of religious worship, her party is allowing your Social Security (funds deducted from your paycheck) to be given to illegal migrants in monthly payments much higher than you will ever receive!
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