GOP Officers’ Blog
Part 1 – The Problem: The Democrats have Flipped the State of Colorado BLUE
Since 2006 the State of Colorado has had a Democratic controlled Legislature, and now they have a super-majority in the Senate and a substantial majority in the House, as well as a Democratic Governor. The book, “The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado,” by Adam Schrager and Rob Witwer, explains how this happened. A group of prominent Democrats set up a formal RoundTable process in 2004, with extensive grass-roots organization, deep understanding of political and population-centric data, and took advantage of revised campaign-financing reform laws. Their goal was to win future elections . . .and they DID! They focused on tax-exempt IRS Code Section 527 organizations (NGOs) and raised $3.6 million dollars, which was 4X more than the Republicans raised over the same period.
A Democratic Administration was put in place in 2006 to win future elections, based on extensive use of mail-in ballots, no voter ID requirements, and using NGOs to get out the youth and minority vote, specifically in densely populated counties around Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs. This new administration, with a national focus on socialized medicare for all, gun control, abortion rights, bigger government and higher taxes, Colorado has become a Sanctuary State for illegal immigrants, and Denver and Boulder became Sanctuary Cities, with significantly increasing homeless populations. This socialist/Marxist approach to governing progressed slowly and covertly, without rural Colorado seeing direct effects, but has now culminated under Governor Polis’ Democratic leadership, to where this Democratic legislature is working to repeal or overturn gun rights laws, TABOR, and other Republican-passed state laws.
State Republican Rep. Stephanie Luck is one of the minority members in the State House currently fighting back against this Democratic control of legislature and trying to expose what she describes as the “Democrats’ Marxist agenda.” This news article made national news headlines in the Epoch Times newspaper, weekly edition of May 31 – June 6, on page A6.
So where is Colorado headed? In his 2023 State of the State Address, Governor Polis stated: “As I stand before you today, I am recommitting myself and my administration to bold new ideas that move Colorado forward. To take on our greatest challenges with determination, optimism, and the voices of all Coloradans.” However, many of his socialist/Marxist policies are counter to the conservative fabric of this historically rural, ranching, farming, mining, and agricultural state.
So Colorado citizens MUST ask some hard questions as we approach the 2024 elections:
- Do you want Democratic/socialist control in your government?
- Do you want socialist control of your 1st Amendment freedoms and right to life?
- Do you want socialist control of your property and water rights?
- Do you want socialist control of your 2nd Amendment gun rights?
- Do you want to give up your basic freedoms under the Bill of Rights?
- Do you want to see your Constitutional rights erode away?
If most of your answers to these fundamental questions are NO, then you will want to await the next part of this political discourse, which will be in Part 2 of this BLOG – The Solutions.
If you would like to comment, please use social media channels.

Monthly Meeting Information
When: The first Monday of every month
Where: Granby Library at 55 East Zero, Granby, CO 80446
When: 6:30 to 8:00PM. in Library Meeting Room
Verify upcoming meeting dates and times by emailing through our contact us page.