Grand County Republicans

GOP Political Information for Grand County, Colorado







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More Ponderings on Climate

Carl’s Conservative Corner More Ponderings on Climate What about the SCIENCE?   Last time I discussed my view of the motives and the end game behind the clamor of Climate Change.  Today let’s discuss the science.  No, I am not a climate scientist. ...

Women’s History Month

GOP Officers’ Blog Women’s History Month  Grand County Republicans would like to recognize March as Women’s History Month, and applaud the remarkable work and achievement of American women throughout our country’s history and the great strength...

Faith, Family, Freedom Roundup RECAP

Grand GOP Happenings Faith, Family, Freedom Roundup RECAP   MC David Buckley in Action!                       Mike Blevins presents the 2024 Patriot  Award to Glen Trainor        Pastor Samuel Ruiz on the importance                                 Greg Lopex speaks on...

Grand GOP Celebrates Black History Month 2024

GOP Officers’ Blog Grand GOP Celebrates Black History Month 2024 Submitted by Precinct Leadership As Grand County Republicans, we as individuals and as a political party are enthusiastic about February being designated as Black History Month in our nation.  Do...

Caucus and Assembly Notice

Grand GOP Happenings Caucus and Assembly Notice  OFFICIAL CALL    Grand County Republican Precinct Caucus and Assembly March 9, 2024   Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Grand County Republican Central Committee, and Colorado Revised Statutes § 1-4-601 and § 1-4-602,...